Marcus Hagsten is an Danish guitar player, singer and songwriter. In 2016 he founded the Danish rock band “Under Månen” (“Beneath the Moon”), where he worked as songwriter, guitar player and lead vocalist. By 2018 the band started to develop into a more acoustic sound with new instruments like banjo and cello. The group still continues as an acoustic project in Denmark.
Along with this Marcus keept composing a lot of instrumental tunes inspired by English folk legends like Bert Janch and John Renbourn and their late 60’s super group “The Pentangle”. These tunes is the main focus of his work as an solo artist. The tunes are also inspired the sound of traditional American bluegrass combined with that special mellow Scandinavian tone you find in music and others arts here. Combined he calls it “Nordic bluegrass”.
Live Marcus plays the tunes solo or along with different musical friends. Live he also uses loops and samples to enhance the performance.
Besides the music Marcus lives in Copenhagen with his wife and daughter.